Currently Coveting No. 69

We've finally experienced warm temps here in NYC and I believe that summer may actually be on its way soon.
ONE / Everyone needs a fun pair of sunglasses and I love the neutral polka dots on this pair.
TWO / I love the hand drawn dots on this leather clutch.
THREE / A delicate cuff that won't clack like crazy while you're typing away on your computer (a common problem, right?)
FOUR / The perfect bralette to go under all your summer dresses and tanks.
FIVE / A different variation of the shirt from last week - and equally covetable.
SIX / I love these simple two-tone sandals that'll go with everything.
SEVEN / The easiest tunic dress for weekends at the beach.
EIGHT / Two years ago I stayed at a hotel and it had the best smelling soap I've ever used. I finally tracked it down and want a lifetime supply!
See what else I'm Currently Coveting on Pinterest.