A Few Things

Happy Friday everyone! Popping in to share a few things with you...
+ Chatting all about nails over on the Paintbox blog this week! It was so fun to try a different kind of manicure and to share some of my inspiration and favorite polishes. Thanks again to Paintbox for having me!
+ Entertaining for guests doesn't come naturally to me, so I was excited to see Chelsea's laid-back backyard gathering. It made planning an evening seem so simple and natural! P.S. having major envy over her beautiful backyard!
+ Emma shared an awesome site she's featured on: 5 questions for 100 designers. Some of my favorite designers are featured including Michael Bierut, Roanne Adams, and Lotta Nieminen.
+ I woke up to a fun announcement from Everlane - they are now offering 1 hour delivery in NYC (and SF) using Postmates delivery service! I'm excited to try it out soon - maybe a new sweater or hat is in order?